Dec 17, 2005

Peacock Lake

If one is in (or near) Hyderabad University in winter, one of the must dos should be to visit the lakes inside the university campus at dawn break.

It was about 01:30 hrs on 16th, when we decided to visit the peacock lake at dawn. Altough we planned to leave at 05:00 hrs, by the time the was enough quorum (of 2) it was 05:45 when we started from IIIT. At the end of what was about a 4km walk, we reached the lake side - braving a warning sign about water snakes at the start of the mud track leading to the lake - just after sun rise, to find a soft whitish sheet of mist gliding over the lake's waters in the cool morning breeze. After soaking in the beauty of the nature for a few minutes, it was then time to start walking back to be in there in time for the first lecture of the 2nd day of the conference.

Dec 16, 2005

Sleepy in Hyd

its been a long time since I posted last, and I thought I would post something nice, while I'm here at Hyderabad. But, I seem to be going in and out of sleep, and this entry should be ending here.

Aug 22, 2005

Love - [Off The Net]

Found this on the net ... couldn't resist posting it here. ;)
I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me, if you like me, you are wondering what is taking us so long to find each other.

Many times I thought I finally found you only to be disillusioned by the fact that my wait has not yet ended. I get up each morning hoping, dreaming, longing to meet you. I am thinking of how we will meet, would it be as romantic as the ones I have seen in movies? Or is it possible that I have known you all my life but we have yet to realize that we are meant for each other? Oh how I wish you were here right now because you are the only one who has the answers to all my questions.

Sometimes I ask myself if I have ever really known "love". I do not have the answer to that question either but I believe that, more often than not, we will never really know what ...

A Rose (for a Rose ? )

Aug 8, 2005

Coffee Mug!

My new coffee mug! Maybe you should read it 'Tea'.
Its always great to recieve gifts, and esp. coffee mugs!


Jul 25, 2005

Locating Old Contacts.

ever tried locating long lost contacts?
its a real tough job. I just tought of searching
for one such person, (great intution of mine!)
and well I located (I guess - awaiting confirmation)
'jigs' right on the first hit on google. Some other
time I have located many of my classmates from
school (days) on orkut. thanks a lot to Google Inc.

Jul 13, 2005

A Complete Rainbow

This is a beaufitul twin rainbow sited on the skies of Pune at the start of the monsoon on the evening of the 10th of June 2005 captured in a photo-montage.