I built the game last night. Posting this after doing some testing & fixing today. The tigers and goats are from free cliparts on the web. Rest are all my original work. :) If you want to know the rules of the game and about many more traditional games of India, visit the KreedaaKaushalya Blog.
The game is in beta. The UI is symmetric and the board is not sensitive to which player is interacting. The board will allow any valid move. This also allows one to play both sides from a single browser window. :)
To place goats just click on a vacant spot. To move a piece click on the piece, and then click on the destination. The board refreshes itself every 30 seconds (to fetch other players move). You can also manually refresh by clicking the Refresh Game link on the top. It can't recognize when the game is over. So, when the game is over, close the window/tab to avoid continuous reloads every 30 seconds.
The game uses CSS and JavaScript to manipulate DOM on the client end, and PHP sessions at the backend. I'll work on optimizing the game, and on the UI, when I find more time to devote to this.
Enjoy playing Aadu-Puli. :)